Fiberglass Pool Installation Timeline

A Mon de Pra pool can be installed in 7 steps. Yes, just 7 steps! If the ground conditions are suitable, your pool can be installed and ready for use in just four days. 

What are the steps for installing a prefabricated pool?

  • Excavating the ground

    Excavación del terreno - mon de pra

    The first step is to decide where to place the pool. Once this is done, the groundwater level must be checked before excavation begins!
  •  Preparing the ground

    Acondicionamiento del terreno piscina - Mon de Pra

    It’s now time to level the hole by adding small gravel, and then level the gravel so that the pool rests properly on the bottom.
  • Pool placement and levelling

    Colocación de la piscina y nivelación - Mon de Pra
    The pool is then unloaded and placed into the hole excavated and levelled off by the workers, leaving it perfectly level.
  • Back-filling the perimeter

    Llenado del perímetro piscina - Mon de Pra

    The excess space between the pool and the sides of the excavated hole is back-filled with gravel to prevent any movement. Mon de Pra pools have large reinforcements installed around them to strengthen the structure without negating the positive flexibility of the material; for example, if there are earth movements, this flexibility helps prevent leakage or breaks in the pool structure.
  • Peripheral installations

    instalaciones perifericas - mon de pra

    All that remains now is to place the pool systems in parallel with the gravel backfill. Everything is left installed and connected, including the pump house.
  • Concrete edge

    zuncho hormigon - mon de pra piscinas

    To ensure the proper installation of your pool we always recommend putting wire mesh in the concrete.
  • Placing the coping stones

    Colocación de la piedra de coronación - mon de pra piscinas

    Finally, we place the coping stones, which are custom-made for each polyester pool.If the ground is suitable, with these 7 steps you’ll have your new pool within 3-4 days.

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